How To Germinate Seeds Successfully

Seeds Germination is a natural process in which the seed turns into a plant in a given period of time. Whenever we try to grow any vegetable or flower plant from seeds, we are not sure whether the seeds will germinate or not. Here we will tell you how to germinate seeds successfully, the main factors on which seed germination depends and we will give you some important tips for fast growing seeds and successful seed germination.

Factors Affecting Seed Germination

The germination of the seed depends on various factors like sowing depth, seedling mix, temperature, sunlight, and watering, and if we sow the seeds in the wrong way, then the result will not be good. Below are some essential factors and the correct method of seed sowing on which the germination of the seed depends.

Quality Of Seeds

Quality Of Seeds

The whole seed germination process depends on what quality seeds you have chosen. If you choose old seed or poor quality, it means that the result will not be good even if you try very hard. So you have to buy the best quality seeds online at the best price in India from with a good germination rate.

You also test the quality of seed (seed that is heavy in weight) by putting the seed in a container full of water. Now the seeds which are floating in the water are poor quality seeds and the seeds which are at the bottom of the pot are of good quality. But this test is not applicable for small seed or light weight seed. This way you can easily understand what kind of seeds you should use for planting.

Note: If the seeds float on top of the water, you can still plant them as they may still germinate.

Seeds Sowing Season

Before planting seeds, you should know what season the plant you grow it prefers. Some plants grow in warm climates but some plants cannot tolerate hot climates and some seeds germinate easily in cold climates. Sow the seeds in the right season or climate so that the seeds germinate easily.

Soil For Seeds Germination

Soil For Seeds Germination

Soil plays an important role for seed germination; if the soil of the medium is soft and well drained the seeds germinate easily and quickly. But if the soil you choose is hard and dry, the seeds will not germinate or may stop germinating. So you sow the seeds in moist medium for faster germination.

Also if you choose coco peat as coco peat is too soft then you need to add organic fertilizer like vermicompost, bone meal, cow manure and mustard cake because coco peat lacks nutrients.

Seed Sowing Depth

Depth Of Sowing

Every seed has different requirements including the depth of sowing which greatly affects germination. Different sizes of seeds are found, some are very small and some are large in size. For example, if small seeds such as basil, chilli and lavender are sown too deep in the soil, they will not break through the soil surface and will not germinate well. Another important factor is soil compaction after seeding. Make sure sowing seeds are covered with a thin or light layer of soil.

Suggestion – Sow small size seeds to a depth of at least 1/8 to 1/4 inch (0.125- 0.25 inch) into the soil and larger seeds should be sown to ½ or 1 inch deep in soil.

Temperature Or Soil Temperature

Temperature is essential for seed germination. Some seeds germinate in cool temperature climates and some prefer warm climates to germinate. For example, summer annuals such as sunflowers seed require lower temperatures (12–18 °C) while winter annual plants seed require higher temperatures (15–23 °C) for germinate. Most seeds will begin to germinate in the ideal soil temperature of 15- 30°C.

Water For Seed Germination

Water For Seed Germination

After sowing any seed, it is really important to moisten the soil and water it for germination. Moist soil will help the seeds germinate faster but sometimes due to over watering and being under water; the seeds do not germinate properly. Therefore, make sure that the seedling is moist after sowing, not that there is too much or little water in the soil. Also note that watering should be given through a watering can or sprayer as overflow of water can damage the germination point.

Sunlight For Seed Germination

Sunlight For Seed Germination

One of the most important factors for seed germination is proper sunlight. After sowing the seeds it is necessary that the seed get sunlight as per their requirement. Some plants like green leafy vegetables do not require a lot of light to germinate the seeds but some plants like vine plant are completely dependent on sunlight for better germination. Therefore, give the proper sunlight to the seeds according to their need.

Quick Tips For Fast Seed Germination

  • Choose good germination best quality seeds.
  • Start sowing seeds at the right time (sow the seeds in the season when it can grow well)
  • Choose the best soil (soft and well drained) and add organic manure to the soil to make the soil more fertile and for faster germination.
  • Sow the seeds according to their size(seeds should be sown at a depth of twice the diameter of the seed).
  • Seeds should be sown according to their temperature requirements.
  • Keep soil moist after seeding (don’t over-water or under-water).
  • Give proper sunlight to the seeds according to their requirements.

After reading this information, you must have come to know that how the seeds germinate faster and successfully and what are the things to be kept in mind before sowing any seed.

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